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Ungraduated Living

May 29, 2022

If you haven't ever heard of "Human Design" before, I encourage you to tune into this episode with special guest Miranda Mitchell. I found so much value in this discussion and my own personal Human Design blueprint (link to my own personal blueprint below), that I want to bring all listeners this great insight.

Knowing your energies through the Human Design chart gives you the power of AWARENESS and gives you a clear direction in aligning your energy so that you are consciously aware of your true life and souls’ purpose.

If you want to learn more about the following questions, then this is an episode for you:

- who are you?

- why are you here?

- how do you best fulfill and understand your purpose?

- how to you get the most out of all your relationships?

- why do you sometimes feel the way you do about life, the people in your life, and what you do for a living?

My Human Design Blueprint:


Miranda's Website: