Oct 31, 2022
Continuing our conversation on consciousness, we discuss today how when we elevate that consciousness ourselves, we are elevating the whole collective within this hologram we call life.
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Oct 30, 2022
The word Amo in Spanish means "I love" and Ni in Chinese means "You."
Amo Ni combines some of the most potent energy healing practices from east and west, making it a holistic healing powerhouse to eradicate the programmed emotions controlling your day-to-day unconscious decisions and the direction of your life.
Oct 28, 2022
Who are you? What are you? Are you that physical body or much more than that? If you are much more than that, then WHERE does that "higher self" or spirit we may call it; reside?
That is the discussion point of today's daily episode...
Oct 27, 2022
When we talk about this "Holographic Life Theory" we aren't saying that "this life is fake" or doesn't matter...
That is where people get it ALL WRONG...
Oct 26, 2022
This physical reality we experience here in the 3D space and time continuum might very well be the outcomes of what takes place within the 4th, 5th, or even 6th dimensions of time. And like a computer program it is replicated on the screen through the programming of higher levels right down to us.
Here is the secret to...